How to use the TMMIS system

Toronto Meeting Management Information System

The Toronto Meeting Management Information System tool, launched by the City in 2020, is very helpful to a residents’ association that wants to be involved with certain topics that are moving through any level of the City of Toronto organization. This system is referred to as ‘TMMIS’ and provides the most current information on agenda items as they move through the legislative process.

The TMMIS Home page provides links to  the Welcome page, Registry of Declared Interests; how to subscribe to Council and Committee e-updates, how to watch proceedings on You Tube, how to access public Wi-Fi at City offices, searching for By-laws and Municipal Code legislation, Have Your Say information on how to write or register to speak, information on the legislative process, release of confidential information, and Open Data reports.

Subscribe to Council and Committee e-updates to be advised via email as soon as a meeting Agenda is released or decisions and minutes have been published, or meeting schedules have changed, as well as any other related notices. You can subscribe to multiple e-updates if you wish.

Please note: to subscribe to agendas for the Committee of Adjustment panels; see Register for a Committee of Adjustment Panel, above.

Meeting Schedule displays a calendar of all meetings in that month, with links for more detailed information including Secretariat contact info, Members, future meeting dates, the agenda for a selected meeting, as well as links to past meetings.

The Agenda is probably the most useful document related to a meeting, with sections on Origin, Recommendations, Summary, Financial Information and Background Information, including links to PDF attachments for those items. The Agenda for a meeting is usually linked to the calendar item one week prior to the meeting date, but the timing of the posting can vary. The majority of reports and other attachments are also posted at that time but additional submissions can be received up to the time of the meeting, so the agenda should be reviewed from time to time before the meeting.  If you have subscribed to automatically receive Council and/or Committee e-updates, updated agendas will be forwarded automatically.

Instructions and contact information to submit comments in writing or to request to speak are also provided in the Agenda.

Note: If you want an email/letter to be put on public record and distributed to all members of a particular committee, it must be addressed to the Secretariat’s email address. You can also send copies to individual Members of the committee if you wish.

Committees provides links to Toronto City Council, Committees reporting to City Council, Community Councils (i.e.: North York Community Council and Toronto and East York Community Council) and Other Boards and Committees.

Legacy Search provides a way to search agendas and minutes from 1998-2008, before the online tool was launched.

Application Information Centre

The Agenda provided in the Notice of a Hearing will link to the Application Information Centre (AIC) for each application – you need to access the AIC to view, download or print the documents. The most important documents will be the Notice which lists the specific variances that are being requested as well as the one labelled Plans – it will show all floors/all measurements/placement of the driveway/HVAC location/deck and walk-out measurements, etc.