Resource Centre

Major topic areas are listed alphabetically.

Census Data

  • The 2021 Canadian census was a detailed enumeration of the Canadian population with a reference date of May 11, 2021. It follows the 2016 Canadian census, which recorded a population of 35,151,728. The 2021 Population was recorded as 36,991,981 with 16,284,234 private dwellings.

Environmental Registry of Ontario

  • Environmental Registry of Ontario Postings – Bill 23 is a list of Environmental Registry and Regulatory Registry of Ontario Postings regarding The More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022. It includes the consultation postings with links to their respective home pages with additional information, the Ministry that has requested the consultation, and the due dates for comments. Please note: there is not one “Bill 23” comment portal, as the proposed legislation touches many ministries and will require many legislative changes, and it is therefore necessary to make multiple submissions to cover multiple areas of concern. The local MPP’s office should be able to assist residents in preparing submissions.

Governance and Accountability

Housing Options

Neighbourhood Associations & Activities

Forming an Association

Funding your association & engaging residents

  • Shape the future of your neighbourhood (PDF) – Kitchener’s Neighbourhood Action Plan Guide. In 2015, the City brought together a project team of residents from across the city to develop #lovemyhood – Kitchener’s first ever Neighbourhood Strategy. #lovemyhood aims to build on the great things already happening in Kitchener’s neighbourhoods by giving residents tools, programs and resources to affect positive change in neighbourhoods. One of the key deliverables from the project was to develop a framework to help residents create Neighbourhood Action Plans.
  • Creating the Change We Want: A Guide for Building Neighbourhood Capacity – This publication produced by the City of Ottawa contains information that neighbourhood associations may find helpful.
  • Recruiting and renewing memberships – Terry West, President of the Don Mills Residents Inc. in Toronto discusses how they have built their 1200 member association.

Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA)

Residents’ Association Activities

Taxation Issues

Urban Planning Resources

  • Five Good Ideas to Build a City – In this Five Good Ideas session, Mary W. Rowe, President & CEO of the Canadian Urban Institute, and the host of CityTalkCanada, presented her five good ideas for the non-profit sector to build a city, now and in the wake of a global pandemic. (video, Dec. 3, 2020)
  • Fixing the five i’s of urban planning failure – by Tobi Nussbaum, Miranda Spessot, Policy Options, Nov. 8, 2017