
How to Join

FoNTRA welcomes residents’ associations in the North Toronto area and others with a special interest in our mission. A strong voice for citizens is necessary by our residents’ associations to preserve the quality of life in our urban community.

FoNTRA’s financial year runs from January 1 to December 31. The annual fee is currently $50. Of course, additional donations are always appreciated to help us cover expenses. Paid members may attend our monthly general meetings and have voting rights at our Annual General Meeting.

We need your involvement as well as funding to continue our work speaking on behalf of the residents’ associations within North Toronto.

Please complete and submit the Membership Form below. If you need an invoice to obtain approval from your Board, send an email to our Treasurer Maureen Kapral, and one will be forwarded, with your pledge amount.  Please also let us know if you will need a receipt.

Renewing Membership

At the start of each financial year, an email will be sent to members to renew their membership, providing instructions. You will also be asked to complete the Membership Form (below) to ensure that we have the correct information for your group.

If at any time throughout the year, your organization’s information should change, please complete and submit an updated Membership Form to FoNTRA.

Membership Form

Note: for your convenience and record-keeping, a copy of the membership information you are sending us will be emailed to you automatically upon sending this form.

Membership Form

Payment Options

You can pay your membership fee (and optional donations) in one of two ways:

If you have any difficulty with either of the above methods, please contact us.