FoNTRA is managed by a Steering Committee which meets one week prior to the General Members Meeting to review an agenda of issues (City Planning/Policy Matters, Process/Tribunal Updates/Place based issues/and Other issues) to decide on FoNTRA’s position on those issues and to define action plans. The decisions and actions taken on these issues form the basis for the Agenda for the General Members Meeting, the following week.
The Steering Committee provides direction by:
- Discussing the current planning issues and sharing ideas on how to be effective in addressing them;
- Ensuring that the appropriate FoNTRA communications are provided on agreed matters to City Committees and Council and to the Provincial government as appropriate.
All RA Members of FoNTRA are invited to attend the General Members Meetings. The Agenda is distributed in advance to advise the RA Members on the topics to be discussed. See below for the current and two previous Agendas to review the format and content of the Agendas. Working Groups such as CofA Reviews, MTSA reviews, Tall Buildings, and Canada Square will present the results of their activities/reviews in the past month. Minutes are distributed to all RA Members following the meeting.
Regular Meeting Dates
FoNTRA General Members Meetings are held every third Tuesday each month (except August and December) from 7 to 9 p.m.
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