Founded in February 2001 with 21 residents’ associations as members, the Federation of North Toronto Residents’ Associations Incorporated (FoNTRA) is a not for profit organization now comprised of over 30 residents’ associations, which collectively include more than 175,000 Toronto residents within their boundaries. We believe that Toronto and Ontario can and should achieve better development. Its central issue is not whether Toronto will grow, but how. FoNTRA believes that sustainable urban regions are characterized by environmental balance, fiscal viability, infrastructure investment and social renewal.
The Federation of North Toronto Residents Associations Inc. is an association of member residents organizations, which are located in the City of Toronto generally between Bloor Street and Sheppard Avenue, and between the Don Valley Parkway and Bathurst Street.
We believe that Toronto and Ontario can and should achieve better development. Its central issue is not whether Toronto will grow, but how. FoNTRA believes that sustainable urban regions are characterized by environmental balance, fiscal viability, infrastructure investment and social renewal. FoNTRA was incorporated as a not for profit organization on December 6, 2017. The Letters Patent objects are defined as:
- Monitoring, investigating and working towards resolution of urban planning related issues and concerns raised by member residents associations;
- Sharing best practices regarding urban planning related issues;
- Representing the common interests of member organizations before public and private bodies and working constructively with all levels of government in addressing the issues and concerns; and any such complementary purposes as are consistent with these objects.
By-law 2 defines the rules of operation for the Federation of North Toronto Residents’ Associations.
Statement of Founding Principles and Objectives
The members of FoNTRA agree to work jointly to preserve and enhance the quality of life that makes our area such an enjoyable place to live, shop and work. FoNTRA will be dedicated to safeguarding the sustainability of our neighbourhoods that include all of our road systems. We are committed to holding members of our City and Provincial governments, including elected and non-elected officials, accountable to the residents in our neighbourhoods. We want to restore the belief and trust of our members in the fairness and democracy of Toronto’s political system, and to reverse the current feeling that the interests of others rank ahead of our own residents.
FoNTRA’s objectives include:
- Working with the elected and non-elected members of the City, Provincial and, where appropriate, Federal governments as well as the media to ensure that public policies better reflect the taxation and the significant, longstanding volunteer and charitable contributions of our residents. We will be dedicated to ensuring that development, taxation and other policies are compatible with our neighbourhoods and the needs of our residents;
- Standing together as FoNTRA to ensure that any property development and redevelopment is in keeping with the Official Plan, Zoning By-Laws and Secondary Plans irrespective of the local association area in which an application is made.
- Placing developers and planners on notice that applications for new developments or redevelopments that significantly affect any part of our region affect all of our members. We will review and respond to them accordingly;
- Working together to ensure genuine participation by our residents in the development of the new Official Plan and in the formulation of other new development policies affecting our area;
- Promoting reforms to the City’s property tax system to reduce the serious inequities of the current taxation approach; and
- Working with the media and our members to publicize undemocratic initiatives and other actions proposed or taken without accountability to residents by non-elected officials. We will work vigorously and diligently to reverse such actions that are harmful to the FoNTRA area’s quality of life and our residents’ interest in vibrant, liveable neighbourhoods.
Board Members 2024-25
- Co-Chair and President – Geoff Kettel
- Co-Chair and Secretary – Cathie Macdonald
- Treasurer – Maureen Kapral
- John Bossons
- Sanjeev Sharma
- Diana White
- Allan McKellar
Our Organization
A Steering Committee provides direction to the FoNTRA organization by promoting discussion and providing guidance on planning issues and how to address them, communicating with government bodies, and coordinating with other organizations on common issues. Steering Committee meetings are held every second Tuesday of each month (except August) from 5 to 6:30 p.m.
Steering Committee Members 2024-2025
- Geoff Kettel
- Cathie Macdonald
- Maureen Kapral
- Mathias Schlaeper
- Patrick Sheils
- Mary Helen Spence
- John Bossons
- Vera Straka
- Thomas V. Cohen
- Rita Bilerman
- Terry Mills
- Al Kivi
All RA members of FoNTRA are invited to attend General Members Meetings. The Steering Committee and/or Working Groups present the results of their activities/reviews in the past month. General Members Meetings are held every third Tuesday each month (except March, July and August plus December if agreed) from 7 to 9 p.m.
Working Groups are also organized from time-to-time to address specific issues such as MTSA’s, Canada Square, Vertical Neighbourhoods, Committee of Adjustment Review, and Housing Options.