Mayor Chow proposing big change that would see buildings go up all over Toronto

Mayor Olivia Chow has proposed a major change to the process of how housing is built in Toronto, one that would allow a new generation of buildings to pop up on major streets across the city.

Chow is looking to implement sweeping as-of-right zoning on Toronto’s avenues that would allow for drastic changes in the city’s built form.

Toronto’s development scene has been dominated by tall towers in recent years, but Chow’s new push to change zoning regulations could result in a more Parisian style of residential density becoming the norm in town.

In an October 29 letter from Chow addressed to members of the Planning and Housing Committee, the mayor states that “we need to be bold and ambitious” to address the housing crisis, which will require “enabling more housing in our city.”

The Planning and Housing Committee adopted Chow’s plan during its October 30 meeting, and the pitch will next considered by City Council on November 13, 2024.

FoNTRA responded to the initial proposal.

Mayor Chow proposing big change that would see buildings go up all over Toronto – BlogTO, November 11, 2024