Send a Letter for 2024.PH12.3 on May 22, 2024 City Council

Here is the text of the letter

RE: My comments for 2024.PH12.3 on May 22, 2024 City Council

To the City Clerk,

Please add my comments to the agenda for the May 22, 2024 City Council meeting on item 2024.PH12.3, Expanding Housing Options in Neighbourhoods: Major Streets Study – Final Report

I understand that my comments and the personal information in this email will form part of the public record and that my name will be listed as a correspondent on agendas and minutes of City Council or its committees. Also, I understand that agendas and minutes are posted online and my name may be indexed by search engines like Google.

I agree with FoNTRA that the Major Streets initiative is important for the growth of the City. But appropriate implementation will be key to its success.

I agree with the concerns in FoNTRA’s letter to PHC that insufficient information is available regarding the locations where this new program will apply and that existing local provisions have not been considered.

I am further very concerned that new reports will be brought to Council directly without any prior consultation regarding increasing the number of permitted units in apartment buildings from 30 to 60, decreasing setbacks and landscaping requirements.

The loss of residents’ abilities to appeal Committee of Adjustment means that residents’ participation in the development of regulation for Major Streets is especially important.

I therefore urge City Council to defer consideration of PH12.3 and refer this report and the new reports to the Community Councils for their consideration.

Yours sincerely,

<< % Signature added here % >>


Councillor Perks, Councillor Kandavel, Councillor Matlow, Councillor Myers, Councillor Nunziata, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Saxe, Councillor Ainslie, Councillor Holyday, Councillor Bravo, Councillor Burnside, Councillor Carroll, Councillor Cheng, Councillor Colle, Councillor Mantas, Councillor Perruzza, Councillor McKelvie, Councillor Fletcher

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