Review of Mediation and Settlement on Planning Process 

10th floor, West Tower, City Hall
100 Queen Street West
Toronto, ON M5H 2N2

Attention: Nancy Martins

RE: PH29.19 Review of Mediation and Settlement on Planning Process

Dear Deputy Mayor Ana Bailao, Chair and Members, Planning and Housing Committee

This is to express our strong support for Councillor Gord Perks’ request for a review and report back on the negotiation process for development applications which have been appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT). Residents Associations are frequently involved in these OLT appeals and have found the process to be inconsistent and not transparent.

We request that the review involve consultation with residents and resident associations, especially those who are “frequent travellers” at the OLT and are familiar with these issues.

Yours truly,

Geoff Kettel
Co-Chair, FoNTRA

Cathie Macdonald
Co-Chair, FoNTRA

Cc:  Gregg Lintern, Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division
James Perttula, Director, Transit and Transportation Planning, City Planning Division
Kyle Knoeck, Acting Director, Zoning and Secretary-Treasurer Committee of Adjustment, City Planning Division
Michael Hain, Program Manager, Transit and Transportation Planning, City Planning Division