Planning for an e-scooter pilot

Toronto City Hall
100 Queen Street West
Toronto, ON M5H 2N2
Attention: Ellen Devlin

Re: IE5.5 Planning for an E-Scooter Pilot

Dear Chair McKelvie and Members, Infrastructure and Environment Committee,

This item concerns a letter from Councillor Saxe which recommends that:

  1. Infrastructure and Environment Committee direct the General Manager, Transportation Services, in consultation with the Toronto Parking Authority, the Executive Director, Environment and Climate, other relevant divisions, agencies, boards and commissions and key stakeholders including the Accessibility Advisory Committee, to report back to the February 2024 meeting of Infrastructure and Environment Committee on a Micro mobility Strategy as part of a comprehensive “Active Transportation Network” for the City of Toronto.
  2. Infrastructure and Environment Committee request that the report include recommendations concerning a possible E-Scooter Rental Pilot Project with the following characteristics (list provided):


  • We find it odd that such a specific topic and detailed direction lacks a report by staff giving context to the requested direction.
  • Regarding Recommendation 2, only two years have passed since the matter was decided by City Council so the question really is whether there are any new circumstances that would warrant consideration of a change of direction? As such a preferred approach may be to request staff to report back on whether to open up the matter rather than assuming that it should be.
  • We question the appropriateness of the IEC providing direction to the General Manager of Transportation Services without the approval of City Council. This applies especially in regard to Recommendation 2, which would amount to a complete reversal of the City of Toronto’s current approved direction.

We therefore recommend that Councillor Saxe’s recommendations be modified as follows:

  1. Infrastructure and Environment Committee recommend to City Council that the General Manager, Transportation Services, in consultation with the Toronto Parking Authority, the Executive Director, Environment and Climate, other relevant divisions, agencies, boards and commissions and key stakeholders including the Accessibility Advisory Committee, report back to the February 2024 meeting of Infrastructure and Environment Committee on a Micromobility Strategy and any required regulations as part of a comprehensive “Active Transportation Network” for the City of Toronto.
  2. Infrastructure and Environment Committee recommend to City Council that staff report as part of the report back referenced in Recommendation 1 concerning whether there are any changing circumstances that would justify re-opening the matter of an E-Scooter Rental Pilot Project for which Council direction was given in 2020.

Yours truly,

Geoff Kettel
Co-Chair, FoNTRA

Cathie Macdonald
Co-Chair, FoNTRA