Our Organization

FoNTRA’s Objects Re Incorporation December 2017

FoNTRA is managed by a Steering Committee of volunteers with an interest in FoNTRA’s mission and a background of involvement in residents associations and leadership in their issues.

Steering Committee provides direction to the FoNTRA organization by:

  • Ensuring regular meetings of member associations to discuss the current planning issues and share ideas on how to be effective in addressing them;
  • Ensuring that the appropriate FoNTRA communications are provided on agreed matters to City Committees and Council and to the Provincial government as appropriate;
  • Co-ordinating initiatives with similar organizations in Toronto and in Ontario on common issues; and
  • Manages membership dues to support agreed FoNTRA initiatives.

The 2020 members of the Steering Committee are:

  •  Co-Chair – Geoff Kettel, Leaside Residents’ Association
  •  Co-Chair – Cathie Macdonald, Deer Park Residents’ Group Inc.
  •  John Bossons, Summerhill Residents’ Association
  •  Tom Cohen, Eglinton Park Residents’ Association
  •  Andy Gort, South Eglinton Ratepayers’ and Residents’ Association
  •  Al Kivi, South Eglinton Ratepayers’ and Residents’ Association
  •  Sheila Harrison, South Armour Heights Residents’ Association
  •  Maureen Kapral, Lytton Park Residents’ Organization Inc.
  •  Terry Mills
  •  Matthias Schlaepfer, Summerhill Residents’ Association
  •  Mary Helen Spence, ABC Residents’ Association
  •  Terry West, Don Mills Residents Inc.

The 2019-2020 members of the FoNTRA Board are:

  • Co-Chair and President – Geoff Kettel, Leaside Residents’ Association
  • Co-Chair and Secretary – Cathie Macdonald, Deer Park Residents Group Inc.
  • Treasurer – Terry West, Don Mills Residents Inc.
  • John Bossons, Summerhill Residents’ Association
  • Andy Gort, South Eglinton Ratepayers’ and Residents’ Association
  • Sheila Harrison, South Armour Heights Residents’ Association

Roles and Responsibilities

RoleNeeds and ResponsibilityMember(s)ResponsibleComments
Co-Chairstwo members responsible for setting the agenda and representing FoNTRA with other steering group members at City Hall and other meetingsGeneral meeting agenda and communication are coordinated by Peter Baker and Geoff KettelMeetings in 2011-12 will be co-chaired by members of the steering group. Co-chairs are TBD at steering
Chair of Steering Groupone member (with backup) responsible for determining the dates of steering meetings, chairing the steering meeting and developing with steering the agenda for a general meeting and further actionPeter will chair the steering group meetings. Geoff will serve as backupSteering group will help to determine meeting dates and reservations for steering and general meetings and agenda for general meeting
Communication Coordinatorone member (with backup) responsible for communicating with representatives from the residents’ associations about a FoNTRA general meeting and other issuesGeoff has communication responsibilities to member associations. Richard will serve as backupFoNTRA membership lists that include e-mail addresses are confidential. Correspondence should be screened by co-chairs
Secretary-Treasurerone member responsible for depositing monies- writing cheques, and communicating status of FoNTRA finances and minutes to member associationsRichard MacFarlaneRichard, Peter, George and Geoff have co-signing responsibilities for cheque writing
Membership and Fee Coordinatorone member responsible for membership – communicating to all FoNTRA associations in January about their rep(s) with FoNTRA, notifying re: fees, & linking with communication coordinator re: current members’ listTerry WestFinancial contributions other than the membership fee of $50 per association are confidential
Liaison with Councillors/MPPsSteering members responsible for communicating with councillors, MPPs and attend meetingsBob Amaron, George, Peter, GeoffSteering group members will be kept apprised of this responsibility
Liaison with other resident umbrella organizationstwo members to liaise directly with other umbrella organizations, including F.U.N. and CORRA, about FoNTRA’s concerns/issuesTerry, Bob, GeoffSteering group members will be kept apprised of this responsibility
Development/ communication of position papers & letterstwo to five members for development & communicationMatthias Schlaepfer, Kevin Beattie, Geoff, Peter & George MilbrandtSteering group members will be kept apprised of this responsibility
Special ProjectsOne person responsible for identifying special development projects and working to resolve themTerry MillsSteering members will be kept apprised of these projects and could work with the lead person