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Metro Hall, Toronto

Committee of Adjustment Update and Engagement Session

Committee of Adjustment KPMG Recommendations and Transformation Initiatives Stakeholder Update and Engagement Session

Tuesday, January 16 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Metro Hall (no virtual option)

We are pleased to invite you to an in-person update and engagement session on the Committee of Adjustment (CoA) KPMG Recommendations and other CoA transformation initiatives. City Planning staff will provide an update on the KPMG CoA Review recommendations implementation plan and the larger CoA work plan, as well as solicit feedback on how to engage stakeholders on specific recommendations. We would also like to gather feedback on our hybrid hearings, which were launched in July 2023.

Background: In 2022, the City retained KPMG to conduct a review on how to improve the effective participation of the public and applicants in the public hearing process and build on the recommendations included in the End-To-End Review. The review culminated in a final report with 15 recommendations and an implementation plan, which went before the Planning and Housing Committee in February 2023 as Item 2023.PH2.5.

City staff wrote an accompanying report supporting the recommendations and proposing a multi-year implementation plan. One of KPMG’s recommendations was to regularly engage with applicants and members of the public outside of the public hearing process, and specifically recommended annual meetings with industry and residents associations to gather feedback about the public hearing process, including the implementation of the recommendations included in their report. The January 16th session is the first of these annual meetings.

Registration: We are asking participants to register in advance. Due to room capacity, please limit registration to 1 – 2 individuals per organization.


Photo: Benson Kua, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Jan 16 2024


6:30 pm - 8:30 pm


Metro Hall
55 John St., 3rd Floor Room 308/309