Critical Steps for Net Zero by 2040

12th floor, West Tower, City Hall
100 Queen Street West
Toronto, ON M5H 2N2

Attention: Marilyn Toft

RE: IE26.16 TransformTO – Critical Steps for Net Zero by 2040

Dear Mayor John Tory and Members of City Council,

This is to express our strong support for this report and its recommendations. We do however question whether the City has a mechanism in place to ensure that its policies are in sync with respect to the City’s approved Climate goals.  We believe this continues to be an issue. For example elsewhere on City Council’s agenda:

PH29.2 Changing Lanes: The City of Toronto’s Review of Laneway Suites – Monitoring Program and Zoning By-law Amendments – Final Report
The proposed reduction of the soft landscaping requirement in the Laneway Suites by-law is contrary to the Climate imperative to maintain or enhance protection for soft landscaping in the Zoning Bylaws.

IE26.6 Actions to Reaffirm Toronto’s Tree Canopy Target
The tree protection bylaw has to be strengthened, to protect trees greater than or equal to 20 cm diameter.

We believe that in order to strengthen City polices, and to resolve conflicting policies the City needs a “Climate Tsar” with a mandate to examine proposed policies, and enough heft to ensure that Climate friendly policies are presented to City Council for approval.

It is recommended that:

City Council direct the City Manager to examine and report back in the First Quarter of 2022 regarding any necessary changes to the organizational structure of the Toronto Public Service required to ensure that it has the appropriate organization and especially senior positions to effectively achieve the City’s TransformTO Goals.

Yours truly,

Geoff Kettel
Co-Chair, FoNTRA

Cathie Macdonald
Co-Chair, FoNTRA

Cc:  Chris Murray, City Manager
Josie Scioli, Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services
Gregg Lintern, Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division
Janie Romoff, General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation
Nancy Ruscica, Interim Director, Environment & Energy Division