Yorkville Library

Heritage Register Review: Public Information Session

Toronto residents are invited to an online Public Information Session to learn about the City’s Heritage Register Review project. The purpose of the meeting is to share information about the project and answer questions.

Date: Monday, February 26

Time: 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual Meeting

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FoNTRA FORUM to be held at Metro Hall on December 2nd, 2023

Chief Planner Gregg Lintern and his Directors and senior staff will provide an update on planning initiatives of interest. Attendees will be able to ask them your questions and make your comments and suggestions.

This event will be held in-person and will provide an opportunity for residents’ association members to interact with City Planning staff and fellow residents’ association members.

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FoNTRA & FoSTRA logos

Mayoral Candidates Face Residents

New date – mark your calendars!

OCAD University Auditorium,
100 McCaul Street
Thursday, June 22 at 7 p.m.

Live at OCAD University, 60 residents’ associations will host a public meeting to introduce leading mayoral candidates to the people of Toronto. With an outreach to 900,000 residents, this unique event could be a game changer in the municipal election.

Here is the link for Eventbrite registration:


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FoNTRA forum

FoNTRA FORUM held this year in Virtual Setting

We were excited to co-host FoNTRA FORUM in partnership with City Planning staff. The event was well attended and extended beyond the planned time.

The event included various presentations by city staff followed by three Q&A sessions at several intervals. Here is the agenda…

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ONCA Webinar

Boards & Bylaws

Special Webinar on ONCA Changes – Feb. 16, 2022

Ontario’s Not-for-profit Corporations Act (ONCA) was proclaimed on October 19th, 2021. Nonprofits have 3 years to update their bylaws and letters patent to comply with ONCA. This webinar will walk through what is new in the ONCA, steps nonprofits need to take to transition to the ONCA, and how CLEO’s free resources can help you create ONCA compliant bylaws from scratch or adapt your current bylaws.

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